Book flights from Roatan to Punta Gorda
with Tropic Air
Discover the best flights with Tropic Air from Roatan to Punta Gorda
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Best Flights Deals by Popularity from Roatan to Punta Gorda
*Fares displayed have been collected within the last 48hrs and may no longer be available at time of booking. Additional fees and charges for optional products and services may apply.
Popular flights from Roatan to Punta Gorda
Punta Gorda (or PG, as it is locally known), is the largest town in the fishing and agricultural focused Toledo District. The surrounding areas are home to many traditional Maya villages where visitors can interact with the local Maya people, spend the night in traditional houses, experience their culture, and try out tasty “caldo” and corn tortillas.
Visit Toledo in May and experience chocolate and wine at The Chocolate Festival. For the adventurous, some of the largest cave systems in the world can be found nearby. On Wednesday and Saturday, the market on front street showcases produce from farmers and handicraft items from local Mayan artisans.
PG is also a fisherman’s dream with some of the resorts focussed on delivering “grand slams” (a Bonefish, Tarpon and Permit in one day). Other visitors can choose to visit the nearby Lubaantun and Nim Li Punit Maya sites. Lubaantun was supposedly home to the legendary crystal skull.
From Punta Gorda, Tropic Air offers several flights a day to Belize City International and Municipal airports as well as service to Placencia.